
Internal cluster projects

Internationalization 2017


Cross-border inter-cluster cooperation for the development of newly created value chains in the aviation industry

Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_150/0011802

The goals of the cluster in the area of ​​cross-border/international cooperation and internationalization are mainly to find partners in the field of R&D&I, specification of topics from the aviation industry and aviation together with universities and the creation of such a project, or engage in international projects that are and will be addressed with foreign partners. Furthermore, support and promotion of the cluster and its activities at major trade fairs and exhibitions. Organizing conferences with an emphasis on the latest trends and technologies with international participation. Last but not least, "incoming" and matchmaking missions in order to find a foreign partner and introduce the capabilities and technologies of the MLK cluster.

The clusters' internationalization project will support both the organization and its members in activities in the field of international R&D&I projects, promotion of members and the cluster, raising the qualifications of employees, and informing all participants about current trends in aviation.

In the aviation industry, it is important to keep up with global competition and accept rapidly evolving technological trends. The participation of employees of the Czech Aerospace Cluster in the most important conferences, workshops, and aviation exhibitions will bring information about current events for all members. This will boost their competitiveness and have a positive economic impact.

Internationalization 2020


Cross-border inter-cluster cooperation for the development of newly created value chains in the aviation industry

Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_334/0023608

The goals of the cluster in the area of ​​cross-border/international cooperation and internationalization are mainly to find partners in the field of R&D&I, specification of topics from the aviation industry and aviation together with universities and the creation of such a project, or engage in international projects that are and will be addressed with foreign partners. Furthermore, support and promotion of the cluster and its activities at major trade fairs and exhibitions. Organizing conferences with an emphasis on the latest trends and technologies with international participation. Last but not least, "incoming" and matchmaking missions in order to find a foreign partner and introduce the capabilities and technologies of the MLK cluster.

The clusters' internationalization project will support both the organization and its members in activities in the field of international R&D&I projects, promotion of members and the cluster, raising the qualifications of employees, and informing all participants about current trends in aviation.

In the aviation industry, it is important to keep up with global competition and accept rapidly evolving technological trends. The participation of employees of the Czech Aerospace Cluster in the most important conferences, workshops, and aviation exhibitions will bring information about current events for all members. This will boost their competitiveness and have a positive economic impact.


Project registration number:               CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/19_110/0010864

Project implementation time:             1.6. 2019 – 31.5.2022

Total funding of the project:                19 922 560,00 Kč

The recipient is Moravský letecký klastr, z.s.

The target group consists of employees of individual member companies.

Members draw according to the de minimis rules (EUR 200,000, in three consecutive accounting periods) - the date of allocation is determined by the association according to the de minimis exhaustion rate of the member - can be allocated gradually during 2019-22)

The project aims primarily at the development of working knowledge, skills, and professional competencies needed for quality work at the employer and the complexity of human resources development planning in the long term, which should contribute to the stability of member employees and their competitiveness in the field.

The project is administered by the company Interim Servis s.r.o.

Assistance vouchers of the Zlín region


Assistance voucher - MLK Internationalization 2020-2022

"The preparation of the strategic MLK Internationalization 2020-2022 project is supported through the provision of an assistance voucher within the project Smart Accelerator of the Zlín Region II, Reg. No. CZ.02.2.69 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 18_055 / 0016072, financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds and the Zlín Region. "

MLK wants to further develop its activities to connect individual European aviation cluster organizations and establish cooperation in the European Research Area, engage in cross-border networks of excellent clusters (with an emphasis on future challenges and key technologies), and coordinate access to third markets. The key activity of the project is networking with foreign clusters, lobbying in the interests of member companies, and support for the Czech aviation industry in Europe and worldwide. The intention is to innovate the corporate cultures of companies in the Zlín Region and thus improve the position and perception of companies on an international scale, which will increase their flexibility and number of qualified staff and increase the number of innovations in companies.

This is why we submitted a request for support in the project COOPERATION-CLUSTERS CALL VII-INTERNATIONALISATION with a project that follows up on the project INTERNATIONALISATION 2017-2019. 

We received financial aid of 147 000 CZK from the ASSISTANCE VOUCHERS OF THE ZLÍN REGION project to prepare this application and a feasibility study (which translated to 85% of the costs). 

Voucher Assistance – International ETNA Project 

“Preparation of the strategic project ETNA is supported through providing a voucher assistance within the Zlín Region Smart Accelerator Project II, registration number CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_055/0016072, financed from the European structural and investment funds and the Zlín region.” 

Moravian Aerospace Cluster is actively trying to support the competitiveness of its members through innovation in the manufacturing processes as well as introducing new methods of advanced manufacturing. This is why the project ETNA was submitted in 2020 with the international consortium. 

ETNA - increases the competitiveness of SMEs providing easy and pan-European access to advanced manufacturing. 

The ETNA project is going to increase the competitiveness of SMEs by creating a pan-European base focused on SMEs that would offer the required technological, economic, and educational help regarding the usage of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT) in order to improve the products and processes of the SMEs that push their innovations forward. The project is going to connect important technological centers and universities that work on researching and introducing advanced manufacturing processes and the concept of Industry 4.0 with SMEs. This will happen thanks to clusters helping the SMEs with establishing the connections. The state of the companies will be analyzed and the option of coaching, training, and advice regarding the introduction of principles and innovations of AMT. It is therefore going to offer the opportunity of utilizing top European experts and information free of charge. 

The request was applied to the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme – For better innovation support to SMEs (H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020). 

We received financial aid of 153 000 CZK from the ASSISTANCE VOUCHERS OF THE ZLÍN REGION project to prepare this application and a feasibility study (which translated to 85% of the costs). 

Contact person

Petr Tomášek Executive Manager

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Vypracovala advokátní kancelář Petráš Rezek



Identifikace správce: Moravský letecký klastr, z.s., Panská 25, 68604 Kunovice, IČO: 22875611.

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